Plenary Session 2
Tuesday, June 27 8:45
Hanne Christine Bertram is professor in food metabolomics at Department of Food Science, Aarhus University, Denmark. Over two decades, Hanne Christine Bertram has worked with implementation of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques in food science emphasizing both technological, biofunctional, and health-related aspects of foods, and Hanne Christine Bertram has been pioneering in the introduction of NMR-based metabolomics in nutrition research. Her recent research is focused on the use of metabolomics to gain mechanistic insight in nutrition with emphasis on animal-derived proteins. Hanne Christine Bertram has authored more than 140 peer-reviewed papers in the food science area and her work is cited more than 2500 times (H-index=28).
Hanne Christine Bertram is actively engaged in industrial collaboration and participates in numerous cross-disciplinary research projects with industry partners. Hanne Christine Bertram has acted as Associate editor for the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry from 2010 and until 2015, and she has participated in the evaluation of research proposals for several international research panels.
Hanne Christine Bertram is educated from the former Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University in Denmark, and in 2003 she received a PhD degree in food science and technology.
In 2006 Hanne Christine Bertram was awarded ‘Young Elite Researcher’ by the Danish Research Council, and in 2009 she was awarded Danisco’s ‘Food Research Prize’.